With a heart for people's right to a decent life

Here you can find the latest news and current information

about the company and our  mission .

TOP 5 in Sweden!!

SSIL - För Vård och Omsorg has completed its annual quality control for 2021. 

And Inslussen HVB is among the TOP 5 in Sweden of businesses that have the highest rating right now based on this service.

At  SSIL.se , as a care provider with a placement service, you can find a placement quickly, easily and free of charge.

Submit your request and receive a response from suitable treatment centers and accommodation with available space. The request goes out to all your framework agreement suppliers.

Lämna förfrågan

We are passionate about making a difference for people who have ended up in exclusion.

In our gallery you will find pictures of the accommodation and the surroundings!